“I would not be the same person, if I hadn’t taken coaching sessions with Alice! After our sessions I feel much more alive than before”
Marylou, Germany

I am passionate about:
Do you long for a partner who wants to share intimacy not just physically, but also emotionally, intellectually, energetically, and spiritually?
Criticism doesn't work.
I learned how to lovingly create extraordinary relationships and I share my passion and insights about it with you.
A connection connection based on dignity, respect and a practice of zero negativity is possible for you, too!
Connect with your heart to uncover what is most important to you.
I hold a safe space for you to explore happier, more fulfilling possibilities.
Learn practical skills to enable you and your partner to listen to each other with more love and appreciation.
Establish healthy boundaries for yourselves and clear commitments for your relationship.
Reach out for a free online call or join the bi-weekly Soure Love Zoom meetings.